
The Douro area is so fast, it will be a day trip on itself. A good starting point is Peso da Regua, which lies convenient on the IP3/A24 highway from Viseu. From Mortágua it is about 1,5 hr to Regua. From here you can take severall routes to the west or to the east, allong the river or more into the hills. Everyting is beautifull!. Very popular is to follow the Douro river from Regua to Pinhel, which is a very nice little town. There is also a steam or diesel powered old train, that goes al the way to Porto. Offcourse there is plenty of winestasting on the way.

One of the former traindepots of the Regua trainstation is converted into a restaurant The River. On one side is a bar where you can taste wine and eat some tapas. On the other side, on the first floor, is a high quality restaurant.