
The little town of Mortágua is the very heart of this area. About 8.800 people are living in the municipality of Mortágua, half of them in Mortágua itself, the other half are spread amongst the 92 villages that all together make this community. Some villages have only one inhabitant. Mind you, the area of the municipality is as big as that of Amsterdam!

In Mortágua you will find severall supermarkets, banks, shops and restaurants. There is also a small hospital and there are dentists and pharmacist.

In august, many of the Portugese emigrants that went for economic reasons to for example France and Luxemburg, return to their villages and their family. This results in big parties throughout the month, each village has its own party, with music, food and good wine. Just check the banners on trees and lanterns allong the road.

In august the town of Mortágua has its annual feast. There is live music and you can try the local cuisine at many stands.


The closest supermarket is in Macieira (10 minute drive). O Preço justo is a small supermarket, but they have all the basics.

There are two good sized supermarkets in Mortágua (20 minute drive), the Intermarché and the Hiper Feirão. They have everything you need and are open from 8.30 till 20.00, on Sunday from 8.30 till 18.00.

  • Leave Eirigo southwards to Vila Pouca. Keep following the road through Vila Pouca, on the roundabout take a right. At the end of the road, go left. Keep following this road (it takes close to 10 minutes) untill you reach a roundabout. Take the second on the right. At the next roundabout, take the first right and insert the main road. At the next roundabout, you will find the Hiper Feirão on your left, and the Intermarché on your right.

Butchershops, bakeries and other shops, banks and pharmacies

All shops for the basic needs and other amenities you will find in Mortágua. A butchershop is called Talho, and a bakery is called Pastelaria (also a coffeeshop). The shops and banks in downtown Mortágua close for lunch, but the times differ for each shop. To be on the safe side, don’t try between 12.00 and 14.00. The supermarkets stay open.


There are two main gasstations in Mortágua, and they both sell the usual varieties. One is BP, the other is the Intermarché home brand.

Petrol 95/98 is Gasolina 95/98, Diesel is Gasóleo. LPG is GPL.

  • Leave Eirigo southwards to Vila Pouca. Keep following the road through Vila Pouca, on the roundabout take a right. At the end of the road, go left. Keep following this road (it takes close to 10 minutes) untill you reach a roundabout. Take the second on the right. At the next roundabout, take the first right and insert the main road. At the next roundabout, take the first right and follow the road. You will enter Mortágua.

If you are really short on gas and don’t want to go too far, there is a Prio gasstation more nearby, but it is not a on the road to Mortágua.

  • Leave Eirigo downwards, to the valley (so don’t go to Vila Pouca). Follow the road, it is a steep climb, till you reach a crossroad. Go straight on. Just before you reach the village of Paredes, take a left. Follow this road untill the end, take a short left and then on the main road, take a right (direction Agueda). Follow this main road for about 5 minutes. The Prio gasstation will appear on your right hand.